Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Eternity in Their Hearts by Don Richardson: A Book Report

     Eternity in Their Hearts
     Eternity in Their Hearts is a very interesting book that describes instances throughout history where God revealed Himself to pagan people. Often times, these people were secluded from any outside contact and had no opportunity to meet God-fearing missionaries or the like. Many today believe that it is impossible for unknown, unseen, and unreached communities to discover God. However, Eternity in Their Hearts eliminates that belief and proves that God is a God with no limitations, who can reach even the most desolate communities all by Himself.
     The Incas, Ancient Chinese, and North American Indians are civilizations that are studied everyday by historians, archeologists and schools all over the world for their fascinating belief systems, customs, and rituals. However, whether or not one agrees with what they did, it is a fact that the religions of these civilization, which often included human sacrifice, pain infliction, and other such practices, were very anti-Christian. However, this did not stop God from reaching down and touching them. 
     Pachacuti was the Inca king from A.D 1438 - 1471. Quoting the book, it is said that Pachacuti was the emperor who "brought the Inca Empire to its finest flowering". He rebuilt Cuzco even finer than it was before, working grand-scale with palaces, forts, and a temple dedicated to the sun. He also constructed fortresses along the eastern frontiers of his empire as protection from tribes in the Amazon basin. The most famous of his fortresses still stands today and is call Machu Picchu, which became the last home to the Inca upper-class during their flight from Spain's invasion. This mighty Inca ruler created a huge impact on his civilization and was revered by his people. It would seem unlikely, then, for him to change his beliefs and defy his religion. However, for some reason, Pachacuti decided that the sun, the Incas god, could not be an almighty god. He reasoned, "The solar radiance can be dimmed by any passing cloud." Thus, he realized that instead of the Creator, he must have been worshiping the creation this whole time! It would seem that his revelation would end here, for there were no Christians for him to consult or a Bible to follow to allow him to grow in his understanding. However, Pachacuti miraculously found his answers within age old traditions lying forgotten in his own culture. He took his testimony and aligned it with his culture's nearly extinct memory of Viracocha which means "the Lord, the omnipotent Creator of all things." With the help of memories of his father speaking of Viracocha, and an old shrine dedicated to Him, Pachacuti decided that his father's God, the Creator of all things, deserved worship. Therfore, he deemed the worship of Viracocha to be upheld by only the upper-class citizens, calling it "too subtle and sublime for ordinary folk.". Later, after the Inca Empire became ruins and it's citezens long gone, hymns and artifacts of worship were discovered. They confused their finders, for it was not thought that the Incas knew of the Christian God. However, after further study, the artifacts were proven to be pure Inca, thus shocking all who learned about them.
     This is only one example out of many that shows how God reached "unreachable" lands. Each story is unique and incredible, reflecting the God that was responsible. Eternity in Their Hearts points out an amazing truth - that although each of the cultures discussed were vastly different, they were brought together by God, who was quietly and discreetly working in each one.

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