Monday, September 8, 2014

Wendell Berry's Fidelity: A Report Part One

Fidelity: Five Stories

     Fidelity is a book composed of five individual short stories written by Wendell Berry. With each one I will write a separate review and include my take and opinion of the story.

"Pray Without Ceasing"

     After discovering an old newspaper with the headline "BEN FELTNER, FRIEND TO ALL, SHOT DEAD IN PORT WILLIAM," Andy Feltner went to his grandparent's house to discover the story behind the murder of his great-grandfather. While his grandfather, Mat, was in no condition to fill him in, Andy's grandmother readily filled his curiosity and told him what had trandpired so long ago.
     Thad Coulter was Ben Feltner best friend. He was a pretty level headed man and a real hard worker. However, when his son acted selfishly and foolishly, Thad and his family lost everything, including their home. Thad felt that everyone had turned against him and attempted to drown his pain in alcohol. Slobbering drunk, he went to see Ben for support, seeing him as his last ally. Ben heard him out for a while, but then kindly told Thad to go home, sober up and then come back to talk. In Thad's eyes this was a betrayal and he became very angry. When he returned home he downed a jug of whiskey, jumped up onto his mule and galloped into town. During this time, Ben was in town discussing with Thad's relatives his situation and seeing in what ways they could help him. Suddenly there was a shout and commotion and they saw Thad himself speeding towards Ben, full of rage and purpose. "They said he looked just awful," Andy's grandmother said, "He looked like death warmed over." Ben turned to speak to Thad but didn't get far, for Thad lifted the pistol in his hand a shot Ben right in the head.
     Thad continued galloping off, straight out of town, and by that time his anger subsided and the knowledge of what he did came upon him like a brick. He left his mule by a river and walked over to a neighboring town, into the sheriff's office, and turned himself in. While he was there, his daughter came to look after him. She wanted to show him that she forgave and still loved him. Each day she would arrive early at the jail, care for him, and leave late in the evening. After a few days, his daughter came in to find that he was dead. He had taken his own life.
     Ben's son Mat arranged to have his father's body carried home and put in a coffin. Before the burial, neighbors and townspeople came to give their support and help to him and his family.
     For years the relationship between the two families, the Feltners and the Coulters, was severed by this event. Little did they know that in years to come, the relationship would again be healed, this time by marriage, and from that bond came Andy, who is both Feltner and Coulter. Though each side has a tragic past, they came together in joy once again.

     This story probably wouldn't fall into my favorites list but it is still very good. It's written beautifully and simply, and picturesquely captures the small town in which the tragedy occurs. As I read I can clearly see the town, the people, and the storefronts, in my mind. I love the ending where it talks about the two families coming together again. It's a happy ending to a sad beginning.

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